четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

allentown creole pennsylvania restaurant

Once youapos;ve been tagged, you have (well, are supposed to, most of you will probably ignore this (guilt trip, guilt trip)) to write a blog with 11 random facts or habits about yourself. At the end, choose 11 people to be tagged and why you picked them. Donapos;t forget to leave those people a comment with "Tag, Youapos;re It" and "Please Read My Blog". You canapos;t tag the person who tagged you, so when you are done, let me know you have posted your blog so I can read your answers.

1. My first anime was outlaw star
2. People use to refer to me as a gnome (hey it was that or troll)
3. I have hazel eyes

4. I feel too much pressure from people when the like me so i start acting to please instead of being myself.

5. I donapos;t dream often, but when i do its never pleasant. I donapos;t like dreams

6. I like making people smile when they donapos;t expect to, just doing thoughtful things or picking out the perfect present, though i hate taking recognition for it (iapos;ve never understood that).

7. I hate cell phones.

8. I donapos;t like talking to people because its very hard for me to form words physically or i donapos;t know the word i was going to say.
9. I like the songs in scooby-do cartoons.
10. I consider myself an optimist (laugh i know you will) and a hopeless romantic.
11. I really like to put on colorful make up. If i could do a drag queen up, i would die of happiness.

there, 11 things i donapos;t think people know about me. I tried to make this list about positive things, one or two negative things popped in though.

i canapos;t figure out how to track a package on UPS. And i really want to know if it got there, cozapos; i still have time to resend the application it it didnapos;t. I suppose i will have to go back to the store then. *sigh*

charles diana prince princess, allentown creole pennsylvania restaurant, allentown credit employee federal union, allentown craft in pa show, allentown cox.net email pa.

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